
My Backyard

Quiet time in the backyard
Quiet time in the backyard

Photography 101: Bliss

When I think about bliss, our backyard comes to mind. It’s a work in progress but that doesn’t matter. When I’m sitting back there, whether I’m alone reading in the early morning silence or sitting with my parents while my grandson plays nearby and my husband putters around just around the corner, it is a place of pure happiness for me.



Good Health- So Not Overrated

30 Days of Thanks- Days 4 and 5

I am thankful for good health. It’s something that shouldn’t be taken for granted on any day. That’s a given, right? But I’m combining yesterday’s and today’s thanks for a purely selfish reason. My grandchild is due to be born any day. The baby’s due date is not for a few more weeks but my daughter-in-law has been in the hospital three times due to preterm labor, the latest visit being 2 days ago. We will be heading to the doctor today for her weekly visit and hope to find out that the results of the ultrasound show that the baby is okay. This baby definitely wants everyone to know that he’s around!

This is a 2 day/2 part thanks because within a matter of hours I found out that 3 people that I had been in close contact with were not feeling well- they weren’t sick- just feeling like they might be coming down with something. Now, for a purely selfish reason, I took a lot of steps back from them. Of course I don’t want to get sick but even more importantly- I need to be healthy because I have a grandchild coming and I want to see this baby!!! On a purely unselfish note, I need to be in good health because I have a grandchild coming and I need to be there for my daughter-in-law and grandson. My son is gone from Monday morning- Friday night every week while he trains for his new position. Jasmine is on her own with CJ all week and we are at the halfway point of Michael’s time at the academy. So for the 2nd part I’m thankful that at least one of the people I came into contact with yesterday did not wake up sick today. (Unfortunately one person is sick and I’m going to quarantine him….I haven’t heard from the third yet.)