10 Things · Challenges

Ten Things of Thankful- #3

Soooo, I’m off to a less than auspicious beginning in my participation in Ten Things of Thankful but I’m hoping to improve on that! This past week wasn’t the greatest but I still had a lot to be thankful for——-

1. I have been sick this past week- not sick enough to incapacitate me but enough to slow me down, which I apparently needed because 7 days later, I’m still not at 100%. It might seem odd to be thankful but it caused me to slow down and I needed that.

2. The wonder of Face Time! This week I have enjoyed many sessions with my grandsons on Face Time. There’s nothing like talking to a 3 month old who is cooing and grabbing the phone. I am so thankful for my daughter-in-law for taking the time to do this!

3. My baby (19 years old) initiated texts with me throughout the week! He is away at college and I miss him so much! I can’t wait to see him when he comes home. 🙂

4. I had an anxiety attack- my first in nearly 10 years. It caught me off guard, in a public place, where there was no where to hide and a few witnesses. I am so thankful that my friend, John, was there, munching on his bag of chips and helping me find a level of calm with his steady, unflappable presence.

5. I’ve had an unexpected few days of solitude. It has been heavenly to be able to “just be” without constant limited interruptions. Snow

6. Grey’s Anatomy- Where have I been for the last 10 years?

7. We got snow. I am just so glad that it was only a few inches…..and it was light and fluffy, not the wet and messy stuff.

8. The day after tomorrow I am going away with my friend, Steph! Vera BradleyIt’s only overnight but it doesn’t matter. We haven’t gotten away in a few years. It will be so nice to shop (Vera Bradley Outlet), eat and talk….. I know it’s not from last week but knowing it was coming was a bright spot for me this past week.

9. I finally finished Baby Beej’s Back up Blanket! (say that 10 times fast) I made him one, with the intention of making a spare just in case his was forgotten at home. Well, before I could complete the spare, I found myself with a baby without his blanket. blanket

10. Photo Challenges- I’m addicted! Even if I forget to post the photos, I am having fun looking for the perfect shots.

There it is-my Ten Things of Thankful! What are you thankful for?

Ten Things of Thankful

15 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful- #3

  1. FaceTime and Skype are so essential to us – it’s the way we see the Man’s little boy weekly, and sometimes the way we see the little monkey when she’s at her Dad’s just around the corner. Love to see you being thankful! And I just did my first photo challenge today…I can see how it can become addicting. Everything I was doing yesterday was all-orange related LOL 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our Daughter talked with my Husband’s parents via FaceTime for the first time last week. Just not something we’ve done much. It was kind of cool and she got to interview her grandmother for a scout project – it was good.
    So many people report colds and illness this week! I hope you are feeling better!
    Small things can be huge things – go with it. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Even though the little boys are just a few miles away, it’s still nice to see them. I never know what the 5 year old is going to do or show me. 🙂

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  3. Lovely list, Kat, and I hope you are feeling 100% better, very soon. I’m sure the night away with your friend will do you the world of good.

    I’ve never tried FaceTime, even though I am ‘Apple’ mad. I must try it out soon.

    Photo challenges are great. I should do more although, saying that, I am starting a new one this week. When I started a year ago here on WordPress I had no interest at all in photography. Now I’m finger clicking happy with my iPhone and I should publish more of them on my blog.

    Wishing you a great week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t have an interest in photo challenges either. Something seemed to click and next thing I knew I was enrolling in Photo 101 last year and after dipping my toe in the water and finding it pleasant, I jumped in with both feet. I find my iPhone to have the best camera and I’m always taking pictures of everything. It’s too much fun!

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    1. You hit on the very part that was stopping me from posting the last few (okay, more than a few) weeks and that was my inability to stop and take the time to really think about what I had to be thankful for.

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  4. I just recently discovered how wonderful face time is. Our book club had a meeting, and one member who is living in Japan temporarily was able to join in for two hours thanks to face time. It’s astounding to me how easy it is to talk to someone on the complete other side of the world. It will certainly change relationships grandparents have with their grandchildren for the better!

    Have fun with your friend. Even one night can seem like such a luxury.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m very self conscious with Face Time and Skype but when I answer the call and I see that precious little face staring at the screen, I’m all grins. 🙂


  5. Thankfuls never have to be big! Sometimes the smallest things make for the biggest thankfuls inside us. Paper clips aren’t a big thing, but if you are badly in need of one and finally find one shoved under the tv on the kitchen counter, then that’s something to be thankful for!
    I have a 19 year old college boy, too. I love the texts and Snapchats I get from him. It can be anything from how he did on a test to a picture of piles of clothes on the floor with him wanting me to confirm that he had correctly sorted his laundry!
    And getting away with a close friend sounds divine! My best friend lives 500 miles away from me, and I love when we get a chance to be together.
    Have a great trip and an even greater week.

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