Photography Challenges

Back Off Boogaloo

What a way to begin a photo challenge post, right? Cee’s Black and While Challenge: Back of Things called this song to mind. Unless you are a big Ringo Starr fan, you might not know it. He wrote it in 1971 and his former Beatle band mate, George Harrison produced it. At one point it made it to the number 2 spot in Britain and Canada and number 9 on America’s Billboard Hot 100. This song is pure Ringo, if you know what I mean and are familiar with his solo pieces. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing really but the word “back” in the title.

Although I could have taken this challenge in many different directions, I have a habit of taking photos of the backs of my family. At times they have little patience with posed pictures and me trying to capture the moment. I have found that sometimes the best pictures come when the subjects don’t know their picture is being taken!

Cee's BW Challenge

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