Family · Photography Challenges

Silence of a Different Kind

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Three years ago, Beej came into the world and changed my life forever. I had become a young grandma when my oldest son married someone who already had a child, CJ. so I was familiar with the fun of grandparenting a child who was already potty trained, out of a crib, off a bottle….an independent child.

And then Beej was born and everything changed. Due to circumstances beyond our control (handy phrase, isn’t it?) Beej and I found ourselves spending major stretches of time together and we created a bond that went deeper than that doting grandma who bounces the baby on her knee, then smiles as she hands him off to his parents at the first sign of tears.

Spending so much time with first an infant, then a toddler and now and emerging preschooler does not make for much silence around our house. The result was me and Beej creating our own kind of silence. Maybe it wasn’t the complete quiet where the only sound you can hear is the refrigerator running or a siren blaring faintly in the distance but it is a silence all the same.

bw beej choosing books


Beej was born a lover of books, a future master reader. We share this passion and I know for a fact that I have read more books to him than I could have possibly read to all three of my children combined.




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When we aren’t reading, Beej is playing. A lot. His imagination seems to be never ending and I never know what he’s going to think of next. He doesn’t need a screen or even another person to entertain him. He’s happy in his own little make believe world where he assigns roles to anyone who happens to be passing by. I have been Percy to his Thomas, Lightning to his Cruze, and Stacy Jones to his Tanya.



“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.”

-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Most of my days might not be filled with your “typical” silence but I’ve learned to savor the times Beej and I spend together. Whether the silence is accented with the sound of me reading as pages turn or Beej’s little voice narrating an elaborate scenario, often peppered with whatever song he deems appropriate, this silence is a precious time. It really is an unexpected blessing that never fails to fill me with joy. This grandparenting gig might have come sooner than I anticipated but boy, is it worth it!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Silence

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Open Topic

Have a great day!




10 thoughts on “Silence of a Different Kind

  1. Grandparenting is certainly a different gig than I originally thought it would be. But I too, have realized how I have grown and matured enough to be more intentional and ‘present’ with my granddaughter than I was with my own children. Thanks for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As grandparents we know how quickly this time passes. You add in the distractions of technology and I feel like being present for these kids is all the more important. It’s exhausting but definitely worth it! 🙂


  2. Grandparenting is grand, indeed. Today I spent most of my day off with my eldest and her toddler, and it makes my heart float with happiness. Just listening to the little gibberish, interspersed with a few words, is so glorious.

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  3. For years I had a dream that I’d one day be the caregiver for my own grandchildren, but so far our three kids aren’t showing any signs of making that a reality. They’re all happy, though, and that’s the main thing. But it’s lovely to read about your experience!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know that if my son had any control over the situation, he would have them at home all the time but they are young and need care when he is at work. I work very hard to view this as a blessing and a unique opportunity to have a closer relationship with the boys.

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