Photography Challenges

CBWC: Anything to do with Music

This is the week that Cee reached out and grabbed me by the arm, giving me that shake I desperately needed. No, just kidding. But I find it telling that when I made myself sit down and do SOMETHING, Cee’s prompts speak to me. (Thank you, Cee!!)

Music. It’s up there in my top favorites along with my loved ones, reading and writing. It is such an integral part of my life, part of my family, part of everything. Just as I have to read words if I see them, I have to listen to the music if I hear it. So here are a few photos and quotes for Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Anything to do with Music.

“Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you,
following you right on up until you die.”

Paul Simon

If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Henry David Thoreau

Happy Weekend!



CBWC: All About Nature

I know that I’m a little late to this party but I can’t resist some black and white nature photography. There’s something about taking something that is so vibrant and lively looking in color and transforming it to black and white. The results can be quite a contrast to the color version, right?

Here are some of my takes on Cee’s Black and White Challenge: All About Nature:

Happy Hump Day!


Photography Challenges

Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge- Texture

Here’s another fun prompt- Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge- Texture. I had to limit myself to three photos. It would have been so easy to go crazy!

When we pay attention, whatever we are doing…is transformed and becomes a part of our spiritual path. We begin to notice details and textures that we never noticed before everyday life becomes clearer, sharper, and at the same time more spacious.

Rick fields

Have a great day!
