
Kat Got Your Tongue- Resolutions vs. Goals

resolutions vs. goalsYes, it’s that time of year again. New Year’s Resolutions. Either you love ’em, hate ’em or really don’t care. Where do you fall in the mix?

I gave up on making resolutions so many years ago I can’t remember when the last time was that I did it. The word tended to make me cringe. Was I a slacker because I didn’t make resolutions? Did it imply that I was so secure with my life that I needed to make no changes? I can tell you that I’m no slacker and my life is a mess.

I have wanted to get more organization in my life. In the past crazy year, I felt like I was a pinball being bounced and skyrocketed from one thing to the next. While it appears that there was a lot accomplished in this year, I felt frazzled, overwhelmed and scattered for most of it. I decided that regardless of how I proceed, there needed to be more planning involved.

As I thought about this, I googled “resolutions vs. goals” and I read a lot of different thoughts on the topic. I found this- The Daily Echo: Resolutions vs Goals-Wanna vs Gonna on Vimeo. I like how simple and straightforward it is.

I was catching up on reading the blogs I follow, which is quite easy right now because everyone is very quiet, when I came upon a post from one of my new favorite bloggers. Seraireland writes on Living Intentionally Simple (can I interject here that it was the name of the blog that attracted me- this is something I’m working on doing in my own life). Her latest post addresses the topic of resolutions and goals. She shares a process for goal setting that she has used for the past three years based on oneword365, a concept where you choose one word as your focus for the year and create goals geared toward that word.

I really like that idea. I think it’s attainable. My plan is to come up with my word, goals and well… a plan.

Welcome to Kat Got Your Tongue Challenge- Resolutions vs. Goals- Do you do either, both or none? Would you like to share them? I would love to hear from you! To learn more about the challenge, please read below-




21 thoughts on “Kat Got Your Tongue- Resolutions vs. Goals

  1. Hi Kat! Great post! I love the One Word idea. I am NOT a resolution maker and goals & plans are my drive at this point in life. I looked at the list of suggestions as it’s very hard to find the right word! “All In” has been my driving phrase for this current journey I’m on so though I may stick with it, I’m also considering one of the following that jumped out and smacked me in the face! Action, Balance, Finish, Focus, Commit, Purpose, Be Quite a telling little list, don’t you think?

    Looking forward to the weekly challenge 🙂 Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. just found you through this challenge and the daily post:) I have left it a bit late for this week but hope to join you next Monday – in the meantime I might just try and define the next year in a word – as I am rather verbose this may prove a trifle difficult:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All goals. Lose weight. Get at least two binders and soft packers that double as STP devices. Finalize my legal name change. Start to medically transition, at least get on T, and get me at least a hysterectomy and double mastectomy. Get my driver’s license to say male. And at work, promote to shift supervisor, and become a “coffee master”.

    Most importantly: get my butt back into college. If work’s insurance won’t pay for my transition, maybe the school’s will.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those are some major goals , but they are all very important ones. I wish you luck. I know from my experience with Kris that each one is very important and each step will make such a difference.


  4. Yep, I usually have a New Years Resolution. This year’s was to start a blog which I succeed in doing and, not only that, I have continued with the blog after seeing so many become abandoned along the way.

    I don’t have one for 2015 (as yet) but it won’t be to try and loose weight. No, I’ll hold that off until June when the weather is warmer and I will have far more of a chance in succeeding.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think continuing the blog is a great accomplishment. I’m pretty proud of myself for keeping up with mine since it began in April.

      As we are experiencing a near below freezing day today, I’m with you on holding off on the losing weight resolution. I think I’m going to focus on adopting a healthier lifestyle and maybe losing weight will fall in line. One can hope, right?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 1st I’d like to say thank you for mentioning my blog 🙂 I’m glad u like it. 2nd I love this challenge and will def be taking part in it each week. What a fun way to start your week. 🙂


    1. I was happy to mention it. It played part in my thought process and that one word for the year has really got me thinking!

      I look forward to hearing from you in “Kat Got Your Tongue”. 🙂


  6. Love this! I will make a vision board for 2015 and pull a tarot card for the year. From the card I will pick a word for the year and set goals that fit the word 🙂 Will share the result on my blog when its done! Thank you for the inspiration ❤


Hi! I would love to hear from you!