Family · Photography Challenges

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Fun or Flowers

light pink flower

“Just living is not enough…. one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” -Hans Christian Andersen

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” -Gerard De Nerval

pink flower

My family is full of people with green thumbs. My grandfather had a small greenhouse off the back of his house and I remember peaking in there and staring in amazement and everything he could grow. He had tons of books about all sorts of plants. and this was such a small part of who he was. My mother and siblings have gardens and their homes are full of lush green plants.

I love beautiful flowers but the green thumb gene passed me by. I am the killer of all plants. To make up for my lack of talent in growing plants, I hope to improve my flower photographing skills. Maybe I can keep them alive in that way.

cee's fun foto badge


This post is part of  Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge:  Fun or Flowers

Thanks for stopping by!


4 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Fun or Flowers

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