Challenges · Family

Blessings and Lessons

Mother Teresa

I’ve been thinking about parenting and children a lot these days. Having my son and his family living with us and having the college kids home last week, I was really conscious of my children- who they were and who they are. I realized (for the zillionth time) how precious they are to me. But I also realized how much they had taught me. In regard to Mother Teresa’s quote, I feel that children are both a blessing and a lesson all rolled up into an amazing package.

It’s easy to count the blessings. There is a love that is often indescribable. Joy. Pride. Exhilaration. Excitement. Wisdom.

But the lessons- those are the real blessings.

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Rocky Mountains 2004

I put in endless hours, effort, emotion, worry……. into a labor of pure love that might not reap anything. Parenting is a crap shoot at best. You can do everything right and still have unpleasant results. I’ve witnessed it in other families.

And the lessons I have learned are priceless-

  • Putting all this work into these little beings with no guarantee of their outcome taught me faith.
  • Being taken down by the most stubborn three year old in history taught me humility.
  • Finding out that the third child can defy every parenting rule you know and challenge every parenting skill you have taught me to be adaptable.
  • Having a child who moves at a different pace than the rest of us taught me patience.
  • Sending these precious little guys out into the world to learn lessons on their own taught me vulnerability.
  • Watching my son mirror my own parenting style with his children taught me that even when it seemed like no one was listening, I did get through.
  • Enduring over 12 years of parenting teenagers taught me restraint.
  • Experiencing three wildly unique personalities taught me to celebrate each one’s individuality.
  • Living through these past 2+ years since all of my children reached the ages of 18 and older taught me that parenting is a job that never ends. 
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    Airport last month

Dedicated to Michael, Kris, Andrew, C.J., and Beej- my true blessings



This post is part of Writer’s Quote Wednesday Writing Challenge- Wisdom hosted by Ronovan Writes and Silver Threading.



10 thoughts on “Blessings and Lessons

  1. I love how your blog looks! Gorgeous!!!! Boy did you nail it with your quote and discussion on parenting. I couldn’t agree with you more. It is true WISDOM! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I was looking for a quiet look and I think I achieved it. I was so happy with wisdom being the prompt. It inspired me and hopefully this is the beginning of me getting back in my groove. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yea! I took the same idea for my blog. A soothing mystical look! Get back in your groove Kat. You’ve been missed! 😋💗

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’ll get there, Kat. You have from Wednesday until Tuesday, so just keep watching for a spare half hour or so. ❤ We miss you! 😀

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