Photography Challenges

Nothing Says “Abandoned” Like an Abandoned Cemetery

For Cee’s Black & White Challenge, the theme is Abandoned or Alone. Specific photos from my visits to an abandoned cemetery that I visit from time to time came to mind. This is Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, which is located in the suburbs south of Chicago. Whenever I feel like taking the ride, I visit there to see what has changed since my last visit.

The reason I thought of these photos was because usually someone leaves something behind. One grave stone bears the name “Infant Daughter” and there is usually an odd assortment of offerings. Because they are toys, it gives a feeling of sadness just to look at it. There might be flowers left on graves, and I always wonder if it is a random act of caring or if the person is a long ago relative.

Regardless, this cemetery gives off a strong feeling of being abandoned quite simply because it is. No one is really taking care of it so it has fallen to strangers to form groups and clean it up themselves. And if it feels abandoned in color, in black and white it is even more so.

Thanks to Cee for hosting Cee’s Black & White Challenge! Be sure to visit here to see all the latest entries. And thank you for dropping in!

Cee's BW Challenge

3 thoughts on “Nothing Says “Abandoned” Like an Abandoned Cemetery

    1. Thanks! This cemetery has been a favorite “haunt” of mine for the past few years. I try to get out there every 6-9 months, if possible. I’m interested to see the changes each time. 🙂

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