Challenges · Family

We are Family

Today is Wednesday and part of Ronovan’s Be Wonderful on Wednesday post- One Family Race– brings up the topic of race.

Here are some pictures of my family.

Here’s a little known fact about my family (unless you know me)- we are a colorful family. When Michael married Jasmine and CJ became our grandson and then Beej was born, we became a culturally and racially diverse family. I am proud to call Jasmine my daughter and Jasmine’s mom is proud to call Michael her son.

I don’t talk about it much and do you want to know why? Because it doesn’t matter. My kids are all very unique individuals. Over the past 3 years Kris has had blue hair and pink hair. Andrew grew a pretty impressive beard a few months ago. Jasmine hair puffs out into a fluffy ball when she pulls it back into a ponytail. None of those things change the way I feel about them. Sometimes CJ won’t take off the paramedic shirt that his daddy made for him and he wears it for days on end. Beej drools like nobody’s business. Doesn’t matter. Our hair ranges from almost bald (Mr. K) to black and curly with everything in between- blonde, red, brown, dark brown. Our skin colors range from blindingly pale white to a beautiful cocoa brown. And these things do not matter either. Eyes- brown, blue, green, hazel…

What does matter? Michael is caring and affectionate. Jasmine is loving and thoughtful. Kris is passionate and kind. Andrew is sensitive and intuitive. CJ is expressive and sweet. Beej is an amazing work in progrerss. Mr. K takes care of us all and he is so steady and dependable.

They are awesome people. I celebrate the incredible people they are. I am thankful daily that these  people are my family. And what makes them so special is not the color of their skin or their eyes or their hair. It’s who they are inside that counts. And that’s pretty darn wonderful!!!


4 thoughts on “We are Family

  1. I have a multi-colored family too 😀 I love the way you phrased it! I enjoyed learning about your family. Many blessings…

    Liked by 1 person

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