
Saturday Morning Walk

“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”  -Henry David Thoreau

It was the perfect Saturday morning. Not too hot. Not too cold. Sun shining. Clouds- but not too many. And two lovable companions.

Little Beej is a year and half old and loves to go for rides in his stroller. He is usually silent, just taking in the view like a sponge. He loves trees and leaves most of all.

Ari, on the other hand, keeps things lively. She pees her way up and down the block, stopping to let leave her mark long after she is dry. She warns every biker within view to BACK OFF, even if they are a block away and have no intention of crossing our path. She is selective in her interaction with other dogs. The feeling is mutual because the dogs always respond in kind.

Both Beej and Ari enjoyed watching the train pull into the station. Then we made it to the fountain and had the farmer’s market in our sights when Ari decided enough was enough. As self-appointed protector of all children, she severely reprimanded a father who swung his daughter up in his arms. She scolded the mother who took her child’s hand to lead him back in the opposite direction. Her enforcing tone is loud and piercing.

She was voted out of the town square unanimously. We left amidst her frenzied protests and annoyed people glaring our direction and everyone was relieved when we were back on our block, well away from any signs of activity.

And as we walked up to our house, Beej began his own protest when he realized that the walk was over.

Overall it wasn’t that bad of a start for a Saturday and I really couldn’t ask for a sweeter pair to keep me company.

Happy Saturday!


This post is in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Morning.

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