Photography Challenges

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Glasses, Cups, Saucers

This week’s theme for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Glasses, Cups, Saucers. How I’m spending my days is showing up by the growing presence of kid stuff in my pictures. 🙂 It makes writing a bit tricky but my days are full!

I find sippy cups to be a new staple in my decorating. They brighten up any room-any place. They are equally as cheerful sitting on a table or half hidden under the couch. I often find one sitting on my laptop keyboard.

This is one of the first photos I shared in a challenge!

What better way to cool off and relax! Iced tea, lemonade or shandy, anyone?

cee's fun foto badge

Thanks for stopping in! I’m hoping to write a real live post with words and everything soon!


2 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Glasses, Cups, Saucers

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