
“Don’t f— with the babysitter!”

In the 1987 movie, Adventures in Babysitting, Elizabeth Shue plays Chris, a suburban teenage babysitter who has to take her charges into the city (Chicago) to rescue her friend. The movie chronicles her adventures and this classic scene, in which Chris has had enough, has come to mind more times than I can count over the past 29 (wait-what? Has it really been 29 years since that movie was released?!?) years.

I’m having a “Don’t f— with Kat” kind of day. Probably not the best frame of mind on a weather advisory day doubling as the one of the busiest shopping days of the year but, hey…maybe all of that good old fashioned Christmas cheer will soften my sharp edges today, right?

img_1461While I wait for my youngest (and farthest away) chick to return to the nest today for winter break, I will spend my time hanging up Christmas cards, putting lights in the window, placing the garland on the tree….. and listening to Christmas songs. Of course, all of this will take place after I warm up my car, scrape it off and brave the cold and the holiday shoppers-   and the cold holiday shoppers to get a few necessities.

If you are somewhere in the US getting hammered by cold and/or snow, please try to safe and warm! (The same applies if you live outside of the US, of course!!)

Happy Saturday!


4 thoughts on ““Don’t f— with the babysitter!”

  1. Hope your trip was safe, and your chicks have returned to your nest. Mixed weather here this summer, warm one day, cold and rain the next, but still, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Merry Christmas to you and yours Kat.

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