
Share Your World – 2016 Week 50

What is your favorite smell? What memory does it remind you of?

I don’t really have a favorite smell. When I unpacked the Christmas decorations, I unwrapped a candle holder that my mother-in-law gave us years ago. It always sits on our kitchen table. It requires a big candle, which takes years to burn, and recently we reached the point on needing a new candle. I had forgotten that I had found a cool cream colored candle which has cinnamon sticks around the outside of it so it was a pleasant surprise to unwrap it and smell the cinnamon.

What type of pet do you have or want to have?

We have Ari, our dog. Or maybe she has us. It’s hard to tell. I have always loved cats and want to own one. I was always allergic to them so it wasn’t possible. bw beej and ari

Are you usually late, early, or right on time? 

I was raised that if you are on time, you’re late, so it has been instilled in me that it’s imperative to be early. If I’m running late, it really flusters me.

For recharging, would you rather meditate, swim, walk, listen to music, write, read, yoga, qigong other?

Music recharges me unlike anything else I know. I blast it to drown out everything else. I have found that when it plays in the background of almost any task, I am more relaxed and focused. One thing to note is that it can’t be just any music- it needs to be something I’ve chosen. So someone else’s music can grate on my nerves very quickly.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am grateful for my friends. I’ve been a mess lately and they have remained steadfast and supportive. I treasure their presence in my life and I’m blessed to have them.

One of my kids is coming home for Christmas break later this week and I’m looking forward to having my chicks begin to return to the nest! 🙂

If you would like to take part of Share Your World, visit Cee’s Share Your World.

Share Your World


5 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2016 Week 50

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