Family · Words to Live By

What Do You See?

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Symbol.”


When I first decided to name my blog Dandelion Fuzz, I felt it was fitting. I hoped it would always feel that way. I wrote about naming my blog in The Birth of a Name or why I named my blog after a weed…. over a year ago.

Looking back at that post, I have a better understanding of why I chose that name. As I continue to write about my experience having a transgender child, as well as many other things, I realize that  those dandelions represent more than just a symbol of resilience and wishes, childhood and joy.

fields wishes

Those dandelions stand for more than just possible wishes. Whether they are bright yellow flowers or puff balls of fuzz, it has been my attitude that determines what I see – weeds or wishes. So you can add ‘attitude’ to what dandelions mean to me.

As I take this journey with Kris, with all its twists and turns, I am finding myself in places I never thought I would be. I’ve met so many new, wonderful people. I’ve learned more about myself than I thought possible.

And even when that fuzz blows all over the place and I’m feeling like I’m flying apart in a million different directions, I try to hold onto my feelings of hope and positive energy. Wherever I land, I plant myself there and you better not try to pick me up and toss me away because I’m a lot stronger than you might think and I’m not going anywhere except where I want to be.

18 thoughts on “What Do You See?

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