Photography Challenges

Black and White Photography Challenge: Day 1

Hugh from Hugh’s Views & News invited me to participate in this Black and White Photo Challenge….back in March…..but hey, I’m here and I’m doing it! 🙂 I’ve actually been looking forward to doing this- I’ve really enjoyed taking part in Cee’s Black & White Challenge, which occurs weekly on Thursdays so anything that involved more black and white photos excites me!

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in black and white.
2. Each day invite another blogging friend to join in the fun.

For my first photo, I chose one I took yesterday. I was feeling adventurous and the weather was finally working in my favor so I bundled up Baby Beej and harnessed Ari and we went for a walk. It wasn’t until Ari was tugging at the leash in my hand one way and I was pushing the stroller with the other over some uneven gravel, that I realized that this was the first time I’ve actually attempted a walk with both. We made it to the town square and I introduced Beej to the fountain. At six months of age, he wasn’t impressed, his eyes darting in every direction as he tried to take in all the wonders of a busy town intersection. He tried to focus on the cars but just as he got them in his sights, he would lose them as they zoomed by. Ari protected us from the threat of the menace bikers and peed her way to the fountain and back. I would call our first outing a success on all counts!

bw beej fountain

I would like to invite Meredith over at Meredith’s Musings to take on this challenge. Meredith and I met in class learning the blogging ropes together. Her blog is a nice blend of music, poetry, movies and her thoughts on life. She recently participated in the Five Photos, Five Stories challenge (which she invited me to do…and I will be working on very soon!) and I enjoyed seeing her photos along with the stories.

This challenge is all in fun and participation is optional. If you would like to join the fun but haven’t been invited yet, please let me know and consider this your open invitation to take part. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Black and White Photography Challenge: Day 1

Hi! I would love to hear from you!